Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Eating Rice Krispies in the Middle of the Night

That's what I was doing at 3:00 am, eating a bowl of Rice Krispies and checking my email. Couldn't sleep. Knowing how lazy my summer has been, you would think I was awake because I've slept way too much. Not so. I happen to be a gifted sleeper. I was a nervous wreck last night after missing a call from Human Resources, and not getting the message to call them until after they had closed for the day. The message simply said they had something important to discuss with me. All sorts of dire possibilities crowded my mind, starting with they had re-assigned me to another building for this coming school year. I spent the evening trying to distract myself with phone calls and rarely watched TV (The Bachelorette - getting hooked, I think). Even my Klonopin wasn't helping much! And then there was the foray to the kitchen in the wee hours.

I called HR first thing this morning with my heart in my throat and my stomach churning. Then - sudden relief. It turns out they simply needed permission to give my contact information to an attorney because I was a witness last February to a fight between two of our students which has gone to court. I gave the permission, but the fight was in February and my memory is hazy. I'll simply have to tell him to refer to the statement I wrote immediately after the incident and gave to the assistant principal. If he doesn't have it, I'm going to have to contact IT about printing it from my work computer, which is stored downtown for the summer. Small problem. All that worrying! I called my sister and just started laughing with the absurdity of where my thinking had taken me!

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