Sunday, June 27, 2010

I Have All the Luck?!

So, I've been dating Mike for about a month. This is the longest I've seen someone since my last relationship ended nearly two years ago. Mostly, I'll have to admit, because the guys I met were, well, not worth the time. Or they thought I wasn't . . . Anyway, I really like Mike - he's sweet, considerate, easy to be with, and there are a few other great attributes I'll not go into here! AND, I think he likes me, too, which is always a plus. I'm determined to do things right this time: 1. Find a great guy (check); 2. Develop a healthy relationship (in process). I'm happy with the way things are going. Okay, so far, so good. Then today, he moves to Cleveland. Really. The roofing and siding company he works for has more work in Cleveland than they do here, and need to send him up there! I'm not liking it, but I'm handling it. He says he will be back here periodically to check on the jobs that are here, but mostly now this is going to be a long distance relationship. I can't wait to make a road trip to Cleveland in my 1994 Safari van with 165,000+ and no air conditioning! Oh, well, as my sister says, if it's meant to be it will last. I'm hoping.

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